Middle Headgear
Our middle headgears are official ragnarok sprites but with different (universal) stats. But not only that, they're slotted as well!
Scroll all the way down to view the quest!
Difficulty: Medium
Middle Headgear Stats
Available Sprites
Angel Wing Ears[1] Blush[1] Red Glasses[1]
Evil Wing Ears[1] Censor Bar[1] Black Glasses[1]
Elven Ears[1] Cyclops Visor[1] 3D Glasses[1]
Ancient Elven Ears[1] Ifrit Ears[1] Fin Helm[1]
Valkyrie Mask[1] Eye Of Darkness[1] Mini Glasses[1]
Angled Glasses[1] Filir Ears[1] Fairy Ears[1]
Blank Eyes[1] Sigrun's Wings[1] Opera Mask[1]
Dark Blinder[1] Scuba Mask[1] Observer[1]
Binoculars[1] Peco Ears[1] Moving Ribbons[1]
Small Horns[1] Sunglasses[1] Small Ribbons[1]
Victory Wings[1]
The NPC for this quest is located at Prontera 144, 302.
I'd like to mention that not just the stats for these items are universal, the quest is universal as well. This means that, after gathering all the ingredients, you can still change your mind about which Middle-Headgear you want.